Sunday, September 7, 2014

A Google a Day and the Tree Octopus

In our History class the other day we did the "Google a Day" activity to help us understand how to search and use online resources responsibly.  We had to find the answer to a question without using the regular Google search engine.  Next, we took a look at the "Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus" website to see if it was a reliable source.

"A Google a Day" is an activity where you are given a question and have to search it without using the regular Google search, so we had to figure out how to search better.  It was really frustrating trying to search using a device or tablet because it would always exit you out of typing. Then if you finally did type something, you couldn't scroll down.  I learned more about searching and the importance of key words.  It was a fun activity because we were racing so there was a competitive feel to it and then we got candy after wards.

Accuracy is when a website gives relevant and correct information.  Authenticity is when a website does what it's supposed to, and isn't misleading.  Reliability is when the author of a website is a specialist in what he/she is writing about and not someone's hobby that they don't have a career in.  The website for the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus can not be used in school because it may be Authentic, but it is not accurate because other websites contradict what it says.  Also, it isn't reliable either because the author is not a specialist in endangered animals or the Tree Octopus.  Here is a link to the website:

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