Thursday, October 30, 2014

Congress of Vienna

The essential question from class was, What should people in power do when their power is threatened?  In class we broke into groups and discussed and predicted what we thought Metternich's decisions were, and they we posted it on Padlet.  We then discussed what really happened, and what the impact of the Congress of Vienna was.

One of the concepts was the Holy Alliance.  Metternich and the other leaders used this to eliminate a lot of the threats of revolution.  The Holy Alliance was initiated by Czar Alexander of Russia and it stated, Monarchs had the divine right to rule from god.  If anyone opposed this then they were considered to be committing treason to not only their country, but also defying the word of God.  All of the major powers in Europe who took part in the Holy Alliance, were allowed to send in troops into other countries in order to thwart any and all revolutions.  Except England did not take part in any of this.  They refused to use this concept to keep their power.

I think that maybe instead of using Holy Alliance to try and keep all of their power and not give many rights to the citizens, I think that they could have sacrificed some of their power.  They could have given more rights to the people so then they were more loyal and wouldn't revolt anyway.  Other than that I think that they did an adequate job at the Congress of Vienna.

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