Thursday, October 23, 2014

Ideology Throw Down

The three main ideologies of the 19th century were Liberalism, Conservatism and Nationalism.  These three ideologies effected most of Europe after Napoleons conquering of most of it.  In class we were assigned into six groups and there were two groups that had the same ideology and we each had to come up with a one minute presentation to describe their ideology.  We then voted on the best one of the pair of presentations.

Our presentation describes how Conservatives didn't want change and they wanted to keep the same, old, ways of living. Also it shows how the kings and monarchs supported Conservatism and didn't want to lose their jobs.  

Liberalism is the support of meritocracy and Liberals wanted change to the current government, they promoted individual liberty and they wanted rights that weren't based of social class or social status.  Conservatism was the opposite of Liberalism.  The Conservatives believed in keeping everything the same way, not changing anything.  This was very important back then because the monarchs would lose all of their power if things changed so they supported Conservatism.  Finally, the Nationalists were connected to the Liberals.  They believed in the bringing together of a nation with language, customs, and history.  They thought that the nation would be a lot stronger if everyone was united.  This was important in the 19th centuries because Italy and Germany realized that since they weren't united nations, and all separate states, Napoleon was able to easily conquer them.

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