Thursday, March 19, 2015


In this unit, we looked at the statistics and strategies of both the North and the South during the Civil War.  The essential question that we had to answer was: How did the differences between North and South effect each region's strategy and success in the Civil War?  We had to make an info graphic to answer this question.  I created to following info graphic on Piktochart.

I chose to add a lot of graphs in my Piktochart because personally, I'm a visual learner, and this helps me to better see the differences between the North and the South.  I chose what I thought were the most important statistics and put them into graphs.  This process helped me understand the different situations between the North and the South because, by creating this info graphic, I had to really look closely at all of the different statistics.  Then by putting them into something visual, I better understood the different situations, and it also made it easier to remember everything.

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