Thursday, March 19, 2015

Civil War in Art

In this activity we studied the election of 1860 between Lincoln, Douglas, Breckenridge, and Bell.  The essential question of this activity was: How were the results of the 1860 representative of the deep divisions over slavery?  We first watched a Crash Course video on the election.

After this, we went on to the website Civil War in Art, and we looked at the pictures and read the information on the web page. We then had to make an Educreations video describing the importance of each picture and how they helped us learn the story of the Election and secession.  We also had to look up three other images and use them to further tell the story of the election and what happened at Fort Sumter.  Here is the Educreations that my group and I created:

Sources for our project:

Own Work. Original shapefile downloaded from: Minnesota 
Population Center. National Historical Geographic 
Information System: Version 2.0. Minneapolis, MN: 
University of Minnesota 2011.

"Causes of the War." The Civil War in Art :
Teaching & Learning Through Chicago 
Collections. Accessed March 19, 2015.

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