Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Civil Scavenger Hunt

In this activity we learned about the different theaters in the civil war in a fun way.   We had a scavenger hunt around the school.  The first thing we did was get assigned a certain battle from the civil war and created a Google doc explaining some basic information on it. 
This is a link to our Google Doc: 


Next we made a poster for the battle and created a QR code to our Google doc with the info on it, and then we hung them up around the school.  Finally we had the scavenger hunt and recorded everything for each battle we found and then created a Padlet that answered the essential questions. Link to the Padlet: https://padlet.com/KerryHawk02/2015ATheaters
The essential questions were, "Who was the ultimate victor in each theaters of war: East, West, Naval?" and "What are some commonalities you can identify in the reasons for the results of the battles?" 

Like our padlet says the victors for each theater are the Union won the west and naval while the Confederates mostly dominated the east.  An example of the Union winning in the west is the Battle of Shiloh.  The Confederates were outnumbered and after two unsuccessful counterattacks, they had to retreat and the Union won.  At the Battle of Baton Rouge the Union started shelling the Confederates and the Confederates ship's engine broke and they couldn't fight back.  A battle that the Confederates did win however is the Battle of Fredericksburg where the Union army suffered about 13,300 casualties, and the battle was ended when the confederates had a successful counterattack.  Secondly, some commonalities we can see with the battles are in the naval battles.  The confederates lost almost all of the naval battles and this is probably due to the outdated weaponry they had.  That combined with the fact that the Union had more funding for the navy caused the Union to win almost every time.

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